Since I've actually been pretty on top using the internet to post art this semester, I figure it's high time I return to my dreaded nemesis...the blog. I tend to post for a very short period of time, and then forget about these things, but this time, I am determined.
I have been using my Deviantart page and tumblr page, but I feel like neither really fits the bill a fluid posting of art. DA has been good, and will continue to be a good place to put finished pieces, but I don't want to clutter is with WIPs and anything that's not really a completed piece. Tumblr on the other hand, just has too much going on, and isn't really a good place to view art. Not to mention the commenting system is atrocious and allows for very limited and awkward conversations.
I'll still be using both of those pages of course, I just think in terms of art, I'll get the most out of blogger. Not to mention, pretty much every cool artist I know uses blogger, so in the mean time I can keep up with all my favourite artists!
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